Constructed of several organ pipes purchased and collected from organ builders and churches throughout Germany, the modular system is powered by a central wind machine and triggered by midi data, which creates a unique and extraordinary variety of glitches and arpeggios – but mostly drones.
Konrad Sprenger (b.1977) is the owner of the label Choose Records and known for collaborations with Ellen Fullman, Arnold Dreyblatt, Robert Ashley and Terry Fox. Within the last years Sprenger’s work focussed on his self-playing midi guitar which was featured on his recent album released on PAN in June 2017.
Phillip Sollmann (b.1974) also known as Efdemin has recently realized “Monophonie”, at Berlin’s Volksbühne, an acoustic composition using the instruments of American composer and instrument maker Harry Partch, the sculptures of US-based artist Val Bertoia, and German physicist Hermann Von Helmholtz’s 150-year-old double siren.
Sprenger and Sollmann have collaborated on the upcoming release Panama/Suez with Oren Ambarchi. The EP will be released on Berghains Label A-Ton end of August.
The Modular Organ System V will be on show at the Eupen Galery for contemporary art Vorn Und Oben. A performance by Sollmann and Sprenger manipulating the Organ-System in real time on Thursday September 6th will serve as the installation’s opening as well as the start of the festival.
From 20h to 21h, Sprenger and Sollmann will again perform and interact live with the Organ System.