With TRACKS, discover a variety of sound artists and the walks they create with your smartphone. Search by keyword to find your ideal Track, orient yourself on the interactive map, and share your experience with a community of audiowalkers.
A FREE HAND OUT by Ant Hampton
For individuals on headphones, to experience at bus stops throughout Eupen using the TRACKS app.
Using only sound and a loose, as-if accidental narration, Ant begins by mapping you onto his own body before recounting “an extraordinary incident that happened to him” (you). While waiting for a bus, the AI chat module you’re chatting with suggests to look up into the sky, hand held out. What follows is a surprising, challenging and sometimes deranging exchange with an AI defiantly insisting on a humanistic expression of ‘common’ sense in the face of despair.
An individual gesture that, with a small tweak, could become a collective movement.
Auf Tuchfühlung mit Klängen (Getting Close to Sounds) by Benjamin Stache
Many paths lead through Eupen: wide and narrow – uphill and downhill. They pass by obvious and hidden, historical and contemporary sights. Towering church spires alternate with narrow streets, hidden nooks, and unusual water features. Benjamin Staches’ sound walk picks up on these contrasts and adds an auditory-musical layer to the visible one, which partly marginalizes, but also partly redefines, the present environmental noises. It is a suggestion of how the city could sound as an alternative to everyday traffic and operational noise.