Michele Giovannini (aka Micamat) grew artistically in Bologna where he joined Homework, a collective promoting DIY culture through a festival and a netlabel releasing digital auto-productions.
Once he moved to Brussels he took part in different sound projects combining guitar and electronics. Together with Jacques Lemaire (vocals and video editing) and Sylvain Dufayard (synths), he created Ravenala, a filmic sound piece around postcolonial family archives. He joined also Céline Chappuis (cello) and Saar van de Leest (clarinet) for their Cosmic Ensemble of Random Rituals.
Micamat also hosts the monthly radio show VOLUME at Kiosk Radio, where he selects, mixes and messes up his last listenings and musical influences, moving freely from ambient and experimental sounds to ethno music.
Within the broader collective Zonneklopper, formed around a temporary occupation in Forest, he experiments new forms of self-organisation for activism, art and culture.
More recently he has been exploring further the acoustic possibilities of the guitar and the boundaries of its inner potential as a sound generator.